Friday, 10 April 2009


We had joy, fun. We share laughter and we share tears together. From all the things that we have gone through, our bond, our friendship grow stronger.
We learned so many things. From what is written on the books to what we can learn from the nature. Im thankful to ALLAH for giving me strength to go through this period of time succesfully.
To En Hisyam, PERLU, and facilitator, thanks for all the knowledge that i can say precious and good moral values that i get throughout this semester. Its been a rollercoaster ride for me.
To all my friends, what we have done is amazing and i dont know how to put thing on a word.
To my family, thanks for support me in every thing that i've done.
Sekian, Assalamualaikum.

Final Camp. Final Day.

Setelah pulang dari survival, kami diberi makan dan terus melakukan kerja-kerja menyimpan barang dan membuka khemah untuk pulang hari ini.

Sehari suntuk melakukan kerja dan semuanya berjalan lancar. Malam sebelum itu, kami dijamah dengan ayam bakar dan melakukan persembahan pada malam itu.

Dengan kerjasama semua peserta, kami berjaya menyiapkan kesemua kerja dengan lancar.

Kami pulang ke UiTM!

Haha. Kerja-kerja mencuci dan mengemas selesai dalam masa dua hari. Kami sempat berfutsal selepas upacara penutup.

Final Camp. Day Five and Day six. ;)

Today activity is rafting and kembara. Before we sent to the nature for survival. We started off well. After finished doing our raft, our raft is being tested. Haha. Everything falls apart. Our teamwork and friendship also being tested that day.
Kembara. we did have fun walking around the village and meeting local people. We also glad that we can give something back to the community. Wonderful experience.

Survival. It was very cold. Im not feeling well and freezing that night. We need to start a fire and build our shelter. The real challange is to protect the fire during rainy days. Haha. We manage to keep everything under control. Heh.
The next day, En Hisyam notice that i was down with fever. En Syam, give some medication and food. Thanks a lot.

What important is survival skills and teamwork within ourselves.

Final Camp. Day Four.

Hari ini, kumpulan Tasik Chini menjalankan aktiviti camp craft dan mountain biking di sebelah pagi dan aktiviti low rope course disebelah petang. Kumpulan saya dimarahi oleh Cik Yazilah, walaupun bukan salah kami menyediakan sarapan yang ringan, kami redha. Setelah menyiapkan kerja kami, kami ke tempat aktiviti seterusnya.
Kami diberi taklimat oleh fasilitator dan terus menjalankan aktiviti, memang mencabar ketahanan kami. Aktiviti ini menguji ketahanan fizikal dan mental secara keseluruhannya.
Aktiviti low ropes course. Ketika inilah kami perlu mengaplikasikan segala kemahiran tali kami dalam menyiapkan courses yang bakal kami lalui. Multiple vines, monkey cross, high postman walk dan swinging tyres antara courses yang kami sediakan. Sokongan daripada rakan sepasukan amat penting bagi mengelakkan kecederaan atau pun malapetaka yang tidak diingini. Aktiviti ini antara yang banyak mengajar kita tentang nilai-nilai moral selain mencabar ketahanan dan kesabaran diri.
Post mortem. Kali ini post mortem boleh dikatakan berjalan dengan lancar. Rakan kami Iqbal, Intan dan fasilitator kami allison dilelong. Emosi kami dipermainkan bagi melihat sejauh mana nilai persahabatan dan kerjasama dalam kalangan kami. Kumpulan kami amat merasai kehilangan Intan.
Setelah 'drama' selesai, aktiviti treasure hunt pula menyusul. Aktiviti ini banyak menguji minda, kemahiran berkomunikasi, berfikir secara kritis dan kreatif selain daripada skil komunikasi. Sangat Menarik. :)

Final Camp. Day Three.

Day three, still camp craft. Haha. My work today is to rebuild equipment's tent. Unfortunately my assistants that day consist of girls. After being told by Cik Yazilah soooo many times about the plan, nothing can be seen just yet. Even though i've been scold by she manyyyy times, i just keep my mouth shut. Thankfully, her next order is to change my assistants to all boys. Our effort finally can be seen and even though we have to rebuild the tent about three times, the result is impressive.
That afternoon, my group Tasik Chini will go to waterfall to do abseiling. Our first rotation activities. We walked for about one hour i guess, i dont have the watch right? As soon we arrived, we put the equipment and nicely arrage it.
Believe me, i felt like i was at overseas. It was freaking freezing. Whatever it is we have the time of our time. As soon as we heard that we going to do waterfall abseiling, we knew that it going to be fun.
We do have great time out there.
According to plan, we going to have post mortem on what we have done in the day with En Hisyam and facilitator.
But things went upside down. En Hisyam left the post mortem because of the loss of Iqbal.
Thing become worse as we have some issues within us. But at the end of the day, we still managae to get through the night well.

Final Camp. Day Two.

Hari kedua, masih lagi camp craft. Fokus utama hari ini ialah khemah pusat. Selepas sarapan, kami sambung melakukan kerja-kerja yang perlu diselesaikan.
Saban hari melakukan kerja, kami tutur diuji dengan permainan minda dan emosi.
Rakan kami 'diculik' dan satu isu ditimbulkan untuk melihat kerjasam kami. Teknik yang bagus untuk menyatukan kami.
Kami meneruskan aktiviti camp craft sehingga malam dan pada malam itu kami melakukan aktiviti ice breaking bertujuan mengeratkan ikataan antara kami.

Final Camp. Day One.

What is this?
That was the first thing that came out from my mouth as soon we get to the campsite.
I was suprised, we was suprised. I dont even know where to start and i have expected a very long day for us to get through.
I have to clear all the bushes in order to make every tent that we need to make.
A day was not enough to clear all the bushes and i was tired that day, but with strong will, i continue my work.

We did campcraft for the whole day. Still, i need more than 2 days to clear almost all the bushes. fuhh,
We slept at 3 i guess with unfinished works to finished tomorrow morning.

But before we sleep, our friends have presented us with unwelcomed gift. Because of their action, which is go to the toilet without permission, we have been punished. But its okay, we just want to sleep. Heh.

Finally, Final Camp. Pre Final Camp.

Today is the day we will prepare for the last time before going to janda baik.
There will be opening ceremony together with shahputra's students and Instedt's students with their respective lecturers.
That night, we load all the equipments and finished around 2 in the morning. Everything went well and nothing bad happened. Alhamdulillah.

us against the waves.

hii, we off to tasik shah alam that day with full of enthusiasm as we all look forward to do kayak that day.
After finished load all the equipment, we all listen to what En. Hisyam have to say about kayak. Theory have been done.
Lets do it. We were tested on our skills and teamwork throughout that day. Whatever it is, we have a lot of fun that day.
Teamwork is one of the fundamental factor in kayaking. Do not leave your friends alone.
We really have a lot of fun that day. Thanks fellas.

Saturday, 28 February 2009

up and down.

Hei, long time since i last post a new post. Heh. Abseiling, sebelum ni dah pernah buat dah, kat sekolah. Agak menakutkan jugak sebab masa tu baru form 2 kut.Turun dari tingkat 4, 180 darjah kebawah. Haha.
So, here's the deal. I'va already know how to do this activity but i still dont have any idea what is the equipment needed and how to set those equipment. Hari tu, 8.30 kami dah berkumpul dekat tapak wall climbing sebelum naik atas bukit dekat dengan pusat akuatik. After briefing from En. Hisyam, he show us how to wear those equipment. He called upon saufee as a model. Haha.
Basically, there are 2 ways on how to do abseiling. The normal and the Australian style. Sound interesting huh? En. Hisyam keep reminding us about safety and all. We did as he told us because he is a man with full of experiences. Thanks En. Hisyam. Before we started, saufee recite a doa to asked Allah's blessing.
Now off we go! I've learned a lot through abseiling. Trust. We need to trust whoever that will help us goes down. Teamwork is very important and always put safety first.
What a day. We have so much fun that day. Thanks to abg dasri who came to help us that day. Also to kak El and kak Aisyah. Later bloggie. byeeee.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Wonder Camp.

Hi, this is what happened. We arrived at Bukit Chearakah and the first task assigned by the instructors is to bring all the equipments to the campsite a.s.a.p. Sound easy but its not. Before that, we had to hand in our toiletries except for toothbrush and toothpaste. Hahaha. We are also prohibited from bring along any form of foods. After that, the first activities started. Camp crafting, blind trailing, orienteering and also navigating. haha. We learned a lot during these activities. Especially blind trailing. We learned to be thankful in what have given to us by ALLAH. Before the activities started, we need to set every kind of tent first. It requires togetherness in order to make the job much more easier. Even though i have knee injury, i still do my best to help my friends.
That night, we recited surah Yaasin together before Isya'. After Isya' we have dinner and continue with our programs. Ice breaking. Haha. I'm certainly not looking forward to this. I may looking forward in knowing the instructor but not in introducing myself. I'm afraid my words stumble. Heh. After that, we play some games and surprisingly its fun! :) Heh. We given times to take a nap for awhile before we started our night activities. Sound creepy huh?
Night walking, solo drop and find-your-own-way-back-home. Haha. I made up the last one of course. We did night walking together for warm up, before we left alone in the dark. Haha. Many things walked through my sleepy mind. I'm sleepy. I slept few times before they picked me up. Haha. The most challenging part is to walk alone to the campsite with a candle. Haha. Creepy + challenging. After everyone has arrived, we were given times to prepare for solat subuh.
New day begun. After breakfast, its time for activities again. Blind trailing. Haha. Its like a roller coaster ride. First, we need to hold our group member's hand and walk. Haha. After that, we have to walk alone. Haha. We have to follow the given route, which is set using a rope. It's very challenging. Instructor recklessly splashed water containing mud to us and all. Still, it is worth doing that activity. It made us think how lucky we are to have the sense of sight.
After zohor, my team will be doing orienteering. Haha. The route is very challenging, not as easy as i thought. What we have learned in class is being practiced in this activity. Fun but painful. Haha. I can only run to the 1st control point. Heh.
Knotting and 1st Aid. We did revision on knotting and learned the part that we haven't learn in 1st Aid. Before we continue in CPR, we given times for a quick nap as we all look very tired and sleepy. After few minutes i guess, i was awakened and afiq(Boat), Yazid(Cikgu), Fatin from INSTEDT and myself will be sent to the clinic to check on our respective health problems. I was disappointed as i thought i can do x-ray, but i was unable to examine my knee. Back to the campsite, we were punished for not inviting MR Bus' Driver to eat with us. The punishment is? Haha. Get into the pond everyone. Heh. After that, we have to do sentry in rotation, and sleep. Finally.
Two hours of sleep and off we go. New day started with solat subuh and aerobic soon after that. Rotation activities resume. We did navigation activity. Really useful, if we lost in the forest or if our friends is lost, navigating is the way to find our way in jungle. After setting up our route, we need to find the other group route. We found it all, but for the other team, they didn't manage to find the last marker.
After that, we went back to the campsite, have our breakfast and unpack all stuff. Untied every tent and keep them all. Some of four-men-tent and six-men-tent has been kept by the group who did camp crafting activities. Then, we need to bring all the equipment to the place where the lorry have waited. Again, in a given time. We also have been punished for missing out important stuff. Haha. After given a briefing and closing ceremony, speeches and appreciation, we all going back to UiTM.
Our dreams of resting shattered i must say. I didn't mean to exaggerates, but we are tired. Haha. We need to move all the equipments and stores them. INSTEDT's students also helped. Work done in a shorter period of time. :) Thanks to lecturers, instructors from PERLU, alumni from PERLU, first aider, drivers, my classmates and INSTEDT's participants for making this happened. Adios amigos.

build up to the first camp.finale.

Hi, this is what happened in the final few days before we go to Bukit Cherakah. Final checks on the equipment that we need to bring along, stay near the store, sentry purpose. heh. Everything look alright until after we move all the things inside the lorry, iz told us that the lorry cant wait until tomorrow because the lorry need to go to other place for other events. So, we decided to use the buses instead of using the lorry. It's only one minor problem. And it has been solved.
We waited for bus from INSTEDT to come early, but they turned up late. We had breakfast together, short briefing, and putting equipments on their respective buses and off we go.
A major setback has arrived. Unfortunately, En. Hisyam couldn't make it due to the loss of his sister. Al-Fatihah. We are all disappointed but the show must go on. With the assistant of lecturer from both INSTEDT and UiTM and also highly caliber instructors from PERLU i believe that this camp will still went well. Amin.

Friday, 6 February 2009

build up to the 1st camp.part 6ix.orientering.

Alright, today I feel like speaking bahasa. *switch to bahasa. Haha. Hari selasa, seperti biasa, pukul 8.30. Tapi di stadium UiTM. Aktiviti orientering. By far, the best activity so far. Haha. Memang seronok. Selepas belajar pada hari isnin, kami pun aplikasikannya di dalam aktiviti kami. heh. Saya, Saufee dan Zella melengkapkan pasukan Rocket. Haha. Kami diberi taklimat oleh En. Hisyam mengenai peta dan cara menggunakan kompas dengan betul. 2 tugasan diberi pada hari itu. Yang pertama ialah untuk membuat trak dan seterusnya ialah untuk mencari trak yang dibuat oleh kumpulan lain. Malangnya, kumpulan kami tidak dpt menyiapkan tugasan yang diberi.:( Ini disebabkan oleh kumpulan Rocky, yg terdiri daripada Aliff, Yazid dan Farah telah membuat kesilapan yg besar dan perbezaan ralat yg ketara dalam bearing mereka. Kami telah diadili oleh Abg Mus, dan terbukti dakwaan kami memang berasas. Kami agak terkilan, tetapi kami tetap berseronok pada hari itu. Kami harap En. Hisyam masih dapat memberi kami markah yg banyak. Haha. Terima kasih pada En. Hisyam dan Abg Mus. =) later bloggie. Bubyee.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

build up to the first camp.part 5ive.( campcraft + equipments check up )

Assalamualaikum guys. This what happened. During campcraft's class, i can conclude that the teamwork within ourselves is very high. I personally would love to work with them again. I'm also glad that they are my classmates a.k.a my friends. =) How to set a four-men-tent, six-men-tent main tent, kitchen and equipments tent and also sick bay? En Hisyam, Abg Mus has told us enough on how to set these tents. Teamwork is fundamental in order to set all this tent as efficient and effective as we could. This wouldn't be a problem i guess.
After working together until noon, we were all returned the equipments to where its stored. Once again, teamwork is needed to make this task look so much easier. Moral of the day is, we need to apply what we have learned previously in the class. For example, knotting. To set a main tent and other big camps, we need to apply what we have learned. We learned it for purposes. Obviously.
There's a lot of stuff needed to bring to the camp, and it's our duty to check these equipment in a terrific condition. Everything must be doubled check and we need to go to the store regularly. Commitment. That's the keyword. The day we waiting for is getting nearer. Can't wait. Way tooooo much writing. gtg, byeeeee. Enjoy your holidayy!

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

build up to the first camp.part four.

We need a banner for our camp. Our very own banner for our 1st camp. And t's for all the participants. Plus INSTEDT. So Haliff, Aidie and I decided to go and ordered the best yet the lowest price of banner that available in the market. Haha. And t's too. It was a tiring day. Whatever it is, I hope that we'll have an enjoying camp with tons of experience and knowledges in our bag. We need to act fast and work together as a team. This camp really bring us closer. Later bloggie. Byeee.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

build up to the 1st camp.part three.

We are facing a minor problem right now. The collaboration with the other campus or should i say college under the uitm, Insted is not given much cooperation that we all need. They are like too dependent on us. It's ok we'll help them anyway. Another thing is about our campsite. We need to go there AGAIN and plan where we will do all the activities that we want to do. Hurm, another busy weeks. Heh. It's ok because i believe everything will be just fine.

About outdoor class this week. We learned about the 1st aid. In case of emergency, we all need that knowledge to save people's live. Sounds heroic huh? Heh. We've learned many types of sling. Large Arm Sling (for injuries at the forearm), Cuff And Collar sling (for upper arm injuries) and Triangular Arm Sling (for injuries at the shoulder). The interesting part is, we actually need to know most of the knots to apply in the slings. Heh. Reef, Clove Hitch is two of the most important knots that we need to know. Too much typing today. gtg, byeeeee.

Monday, 12 January 2009

build up to the 1st camp.part two.

Few weeks until the 1st camp. Haha. There's addition in our organizations and i've been appointed to handle the activities that we want to have during our 1st camp. Heh. Sound pretty exciting huh? With saufee and azraai i'm sure we'll make a great team. We've learnt knoting and 1st aid as for now, and things are going well right now. I'm loving it. Gtg bloggie. Have a nice day! =)

Thursday, 8 January 2009

build up to the 1st camp.part one

So, we have decided an exact date for our 1st camp. 7th feb until 9th feb at Bukit Cherakah. Frankly speaking, i'm excited. Heh. I've been appointed to handle the transportation. With Muiz and Goku, we're looking forward to work together and play our role to make this camp a huge success. =)