Hei, long time since i last post a new post. Heh. Abseiling, sebelum ni dah pernah buat dah, kat sekolah. Agak menakutkan jugak sebab masa tu baru form 2 kut.Turun dari tingkat 4, 180 darjah kebawah. Haha.
So, here's the deal. I'va already know how to do this activity but i still dont have any idea what is the equipment needed and how to set those equipment. Hari tu, 8.30 kami dah berkumpul dekat tapak wall climbing sebelum naik atas bukit dekat dengan pusat akuatik. After briefing from En. Hisyam, he show us how to wear those equipment. He called upon saufee as a model. Haha.
Basically, there are 2 ways on how to do abseiling. The normal and the Australian style. Sound interesting huh? En. Hisyam keep reminding us about safety and all. We did as he told us because he is a man with full of experiences. Thanks En. Hisyam. Before we started, saufee recite a doa to asked Allah's blessing.
Now off we go! I've learned a lot through abseiling. Trust. We need to trust whoever that will help us goes down. Teamwork is very important and always put safety first.
What a day. We have so much fun that day. Thanks to abg dasri who came to help us that day. Also to kak El and kak Aisyah. Later bloggie. byeeee.
Tidak Punya Kasut Baru
8 years ago
aku xbape paham ler..... guna bahasa melayu ler.......
Dah terus bersawang nya
aku sokong ko southern_shark,ni anak alfonso ke ape???? aku ni ank mat kilau xdapek r nk follow..hahaha
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